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Join Vector Optics & Become Our Partner

Vector Optics is a premium optical brand specializing in riflescopes, red dot sights, night vision, binoculars, other optics and accessories. With over 15 years of experience, we take great pride in the strong relationships we have forged with our dealers worldwide. Without them, thousands of Vector Optics users would not receive the service and support they deserve.

Why join


Over 15 years of industry experience in designing, developing, and distributing optics.


Rigorous testing before delivery to ensure they can withstand severe environment.


Trusted by worldwide professional shooters and international competitors.

Brand Vision

Developing valuable, affordable, and high-quality optics for customers.

Brand Awareness

Gaining industry recognition worldwide.

Brand Strength

15 production supply factories with mass storage volume inventory

15 years of professional market experience and familiarity with the industry

Original Design Manufacture for 300+ Optics, 400+ Accessories SKUs

Strict Quality Control Process

Small Businesses

Accept self-employment, startup, group purchase, mixed wholesale, and other modes.

Authorized Dealer/Distributor

A minimum initial order is required.


A great wholesale get good price.


No need to worry warehouse risks.

Dropshipping Program

If you cannot meet our requirements yet, the Dropshipping Program is here for you to make high profits without storing the inventory yourself.

For more details, visit

Must operate a fully-staffed brick-and-mortar store with regular business hours.

Must have capabilities for quality assurance and customer service.

Must sign and adhere to the dealer agreement and other policies.

Must meet or exceed the minimum initial order and maintain a yearly sustainable value (at least 5 optic/sight per SKU for each purchase order).

Business partners are required to follow and maintain active engagement with Vector Optics' official social media accounts.





Regional restrictions may apply based on your location; please consult our sales team.

If you can't meet these requirements, please contact local distributors listed under "find dealers" for consultation.

Minimum Initial Order Value

For Dealers/Distributors:

Purchase >$3000, MOQ >5pcs per SKU each purchase order, for both initial and subsequent orders.

For Small Businesses:

An initial minimum purchase of $2500 qualifies for a 15% discount, which can increase up to 25%. Subsequent orders do not have a minimum purchase requirement.

Minimum Annual Purchase Value

For Dealers/Distributors:

Annual purchases totaling $15,000 or more for Vector Optics brand products are required to maintain active dealer status. Dealers failing to meet this requirement will be removed from our online listings and considered closed accounts.

For Small Businesses:

Annual purchases totaling between $5,000 and $15,000 for Vector Optics brand products.

What to expect from Vector Optics?

Brand recognition

Raise brand recognition, as an authorized dealer, your store will be listed on the official Vector Optics website.

Decent profits

Get premium Vector Optics hunting and shooting products at wholesale prices.

Specialized training

Receive specialized training from VE experts to enhance your knowledge and expertise on VE products and services.

Free VE merchandise

Offer VE-related products, clothes, apparels, Velcro, gifts, canvas for marketing.

Exclusive lnside Info

Get inside information of VE new products.


All products are covered by the Vector Optics Warranty.

We sincerely invite you to join our team and build a high-end optical brand collaboratively.

If you're interested in becoming an authorized dealer, distributor, agent, or drop-shipper for Vector Optics products, we'd love to learn more about your company, vision, and how you could become a leader in the field. Please fill out the form below. Our team will reach out to you as soon as possible.

Dealer/Distributor Application Form




First Name


Last Name





VAT No. or Registration No.

Company’s Offical Website

Conpany Social Media Homepage/Acount

Company Address

Years in Business

*How did you hear about Vector Optics?


Business Type*

Types of Markets*

Your videos (file <20MB)*

Your videos (file <20MB)*

Your videos (file <20MB)*

How much do you sell in optics? ($ Amount per year)


What would you anticipate selling in Vector Optics? ($ Amount per year)


What other optic brands do you currently carry?

What is your current top selling optics brand?

Are you seeking terms , a pre-pay or drop-ship account?*

Where do you intend to purchase Vector Optics product?*

How do you plan on selling and promoting Vector Optics®?

Additional Information

Vector Optics MAP Policy*

MAP(Minimum Advertising Price) Policy

We, Vector Optics, pride ourselves as a company in touch with high end optics business by providing innovative and high-quality solutions for consumers. We align ourselves with VECTOR’s core values: delivering a wide range of Optical Riflescope, Red Dot Scopes, Laser Sights, Range Finder, Rail Systems, Flashlights, Mounts and more.

In recognition of the investment in time and resources required for our high-quality <> to provide the level of customer service and product knowledge expected from our customers, Vector Optics is committed to enforcing policies which allow our resellers to maintain high profit margins through the sale of our products. Vector Optics has an established Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) Policy that an Authorized Reseller must follow for the advertising and marketing of Vector Optics products. All Vector Optics Authorized Resellers must agree to the terms and conditions of the following MAP Policy.

Vector Optics’s MAP Policy Guidelines  

MSRP/MAP pricing for all Vector Optics products can be found on your current price list. All advertised prices must be at or above MAP for all Vector Optics products if a MAP price has been established by Vector Optics. Resellers are not required to list prices in advertising.  If a price is listed in an advertisement it must be at or above MAP. Other statements such as “call for price” or “call for quote” are acceptable and permitted.

Resellers are also responsible for ensuring their Vector Optics pricing is at or above MAP on internet search engines. Resellers are free to set the actual resale price of any product as long as it is at or above MAP price given the most recent publication of the price list. Vector Optics ’s MAP policy for all Vector Optics products apply to advertising placements, including but not limited to: print ads (inserts, magazines, newspapers, catalogs, mail order catalogs, etc.), broadcast (radio and TV), direct mail, faxes, internet placement with third parties (banner ads, broadcast emails, destination pages, third-party sites), internet placements on resellers own website, and any flyers, posters or coupons.

From time to time, Vector Optics may permit resellers to advertise MAP Products at prices lower than the MAP price. In such events, if resellers need a short promotion, they must inform Vector Optics in advance and get Vector Optics approval before promotion, and the promotion time should be less than 1 week or as discussed.


This policy applies to our direct customers, and to our distributor’s customers.

An official company email will be sent to the offending party alerting them that they are non-compliant with our MAP policy. The email will include a list of offending SKUs. The customer has 24 hours to respond, and comply with our MAP.

This policy does not restrict the dealer’s right to establish independent advertised and/or resale prices of Vector Optics products. Vector Optics reserves the right to determine whether a dealer has advertised Vector Optics’s products at a net advertised price less than the MAP (minimum advertised price) established in this Unilateral Policy. Upon such determination Vector Optics may, without assuming any liability, cancel all orders and may indefinitely refuse to accept new orders from the dealer.

Vector Optics will utilize the following steps to resolve MAP violations:

Any and all dealers selling Vector Optics products which have not signed an Vector Optics MAP Policy agreement are classified as Unauthorized Resellers.

Distributors of Vector Optics are required to provide a signed MAP agreement from any dealer selling Vector Optics products. Unauthorized dealers should not be sold to or provided a feed from any distributor whatsoever.

Violations from Authorized Resellers will need to be corrected within 24 hours of notification.

Vector Optics reserves the right to suspend or adjust a MAP policy for any product at any time.

  • First Violation:  Authorized Reseller’s account will be put on hold temporarily and a written warning will be provided.  MAP violations must be corrected within 24 hours. Upon correction and following 30 days of compliance, violation will then be cleared.

  • Second Violation:  Authorized Reseller’s account will be put on hold for 30 days.

  • Third Violation:  Authorized Reseller’s account will be put on hold for 180 days. After this duration, Vector Optics will review and determine if account is to be reinstated.  

  • Fourth Violation:  Should Vector Optics decide to reinstate an Authorized Reseller who has previously demonstrated a third violation, yet violates a fourth time, the account will be unauthorized indefinitely.  

Verification code*

Verification Code
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